What is adolescence?
My definition:
Textbook Definition:
adolescence is a time of exploration, imagination, discovery and most definitely: uncertainty
the period after puberty begins before adult roles are taken on
Difference cultures view puberty differently. Some cultures prize it, while others look the other way. And so, adolescents, depending on other's reactions to them, develop a certain outlook on their lives when experiencing being an adolescent and all of its highs and lows. Yet, puberty is experienced by everyone, which makes it a normative characteristic of being an adolescent
identity exploration...
And so, because they don't yet know what tHEY are defending or against WHAT, to really take a stand becomes more difficult than IT DOES TO blend in with the crowd. As a teacher, I would encourage difference in my classroom and I would question status roles and highschool stereotypes. I would ask my kids questions about themselves and encourage critical thinking to create an answer for themselves BASED ON CRITICAL THINKING. I would also encourage art and creativity as a means to self-exploration AND UNDERSTANDING.
regardless of the hitherto mentioned experiencing of puberty, I think the most defining characteristic of an adolescent is their need and want to create their own PLACE in the world. Many adolescenTS are vulnerable and insecure BECAUSE THEY ARE STEPPING OUT INTO THE WORLD ON THEIR OWN FOR THE FIRST TIME; they don't know who they are and don't know too many things about themselves. It is this search for identity that is inspired by an overwhelming feeling of freedom and independence THAT ADOLESCENTS EXPERIENCE. Yet, being unsure of who YOU ARE COUPLED WITH newfound freedom and UNCERTAINTY OF HOW TO UTILIZE IT LEAVES ADOLESCENTS IN A VULNERABLE POSITION. copyING and mimicING those around them, ADOLESCENTS FIND CERTAINY IN THE KNOWN. Most adolescence don't have the confidence to be unique at their age, becAUse it meanS that they stand out and have to defend who they are to others.
what do you feel is the most defining characteristic of adolescents today and how might this characteristic influence the way you teach?
If you have enemies, good, that means you stood up for something. -EMINEM